Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gw harus bilang WOW..

Wow this is a super duper golden long weekend *huurayyy
4days onward is holiday, but why....still people still!!...that my golden week must be cut 1 day to work *cryingrollingonthefloor

Hmmm but that's ok baby, i'm really grateful that i still have 3 days to be fantastic hohohoho
(suddenly i remember one of big bang's song "wow fantastic baby" TOP you're rockkkkk!!!!)

OK now the problem is i've got confused by my own schedule *sweet
There are alot of event i must attend, a lot of wedding invitation, a lot of people ask me to join them in their holiday plan, a lot of things to do like do my home work at home and of course do writing for competition, arggghhh remember about that competition i wish i still have mood to write and hatch some good things to be read not a garbage *sighh

After hearing a story of casanova in my best friend life, and i know that stupid ever boy, i feel like i wanna punch and "jemek-jemek" the face of that boy
(sorry mr. Stupid-ever because of your everlasting stupidness, i wont call you by a man but by a boy instead)

Please remember my word, you can do your cheap trick to me anytime (but thanks God, i never get jailed and stuck by the trick *widegrin)

But when you playing your trick to my best friend and she's fell for your trick, 
Boy, dont you know that you already ignite the fire through me??
You hurt my best friend, you hurt a heart of a woman, i'm a woman too and i do feel hurt for what you did to my friend...
"casting a fire in the nose of a lion, its like looking for a nightmare to be real"

I promised you boy, you will get your karma soon or later...

Ok forget about a wasting-my-time-to-talk-about-a-stupid-ever-boy,
Today i wanna focus do my work smart, so today i wont bring my ipad to work, because when the boss is not around i always trying to open my ipad only to writing on my blog even it's still on a draft,

Hmmm maybe tomorrow i will think about my friend's invitation to visit mangrove's forest,
Yes maybe with nature's effect i will find some inspiration to write about one of the great 5 elements of nature (water), sigh already passing almost 3 weeks and i still have no idea to write about water :(

Ok, let me think about that plan later...
Now its time to take my breakfast and got to work

Ooo this morning i got some quote in my brain, 
(the true is i copas it from my own facebook but still its orginally comes from my little-sweet-ever-brain)

I prefer work smart-play smart than work hard-play hard...

Life is too short to be hard of anything, take your time baby,
With God, the world is in your hands...

live life ALIVE!

OK everybody, time to begin our day with great life and smile ever :)
Have a good day and see you in the next story :)

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